Friday, January 9, 2009

It's Friday .. Just the Fact(s), Ma'am

I have the day off from church related duties (the word still cracks me up .. actually, 'cracks' is pretty funny, as well .. my brain is still at a fourth grade level), but there is enough to do around the house to put in a "full" workday (that's four hours, for those of us in ministry .. ministry hours are kind of like 'dog years').

To say that I'm not your typical minister, would be an understatement.

I don't walk around with a pious look on my face (except on 'headache' days). I don't use a lot of "religious language" in my everyday conversations (.. 'sir, do you want fries with that?'.. 'hold on, my child and let me pray about it'). I don't carry a "coffee table sized family Bible" (KJV, of course) under my arm when I go to Walmart.

I'm something of a cross between Hugh Laurie's, Dr. Gregory House and Don Rickles. These guys are my heroes. They say what they think. More importantly, they say what everyone else thinks (granted, those 'duty' and 'crack' thoughts are a little disturbing, even to me).

I just want to be real (or, at least do a good job faking it).

Ministers are, sometimes, put on very high pedestals and this is wrong (I'm afraid of heights). When that happens, someone is going to be disappointed or disillusioned when they fall off (and they will fall off .. some, willingly jump off .. some, willingly jump off and do a fancy somersault before hitting the ground).

I'm just a regular guy (most mornings .. bran muffins help) trying to live out God's calling in my life.

No plastic smile when I'm feeling bad. No "pat answers" when asked the difficult questions.

God has used some really "off the wall" weirdos in His service. This is a great encouragement to me.

Can you pass the locusts and wild honey, please?


Anonymous said...

kevin, i am loving your blog......
jennie deloach (there are two, i am the oldest) (daughters jill and abby)....anyway, jill told me about your blog this week, (unfortunately she has been laid, or is it layed off and has time to visit w/me in the mornings) and i am so glad she did....i am really enjoying best to cheryl....YOU have a BLESSED day!

RevKev♫ said...

Cheryl told me you sent her an email a couple of days ago. I appreciate the encouraging word. The blog is .. what it is. Some like it. Some just don't "get it." I'll keep Jill in my prayers. She worked hard for that degree. I trust she will be back using her gifts and abilities, soon. Blessings!