Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

This morning's blog entry was a bit brief, to say the least, and I promised to write something a little more "substantial" when I got home, tonight.

Well, I'm at home, and .. I've got nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

When I woke up at seven o'clock and realized I had "overslept," panic set it. The little counter at the bottom of my blog site tells me more information than just how many of you stopped by for another exciting look at my life: I drank a cup of coffee .. I ate a bowl of cereal .. I put on some pants (btw, when I do things in this order, I never spill coffee or cereal on my pants .. however, this can cause quite a stir at Cracker Barrel).

Back to the "hit counter."

It's free and links to a website where I can tell the IP address of your computer and what operating system you use. I can, also, tell what city you are in and what time you read my blog (just call me 'Big Brother').

Interesting enough, several of you stop by RevKev's blog very early in the morning and when (on occasion) I decide to "roll over and play dead" when the alarm goes off, you are deprived (or is that depraved?) of starting your day with a smile, chuckle or laugh.

I just hope you aren't replacing "Our Daily Bread" with "My Daily Blog." If that is the case, I need to pray for your spiritual well being.

A merry heart (isn't she on Entertainment Tonight?) does do good, like medicine (take two jokes and call me in the morning). However, it is the Great Physician Who has the power to heal the "sin sick" soul.

I'm supplemental reading.

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