Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Little Behind

Yesterday's "snow storm" caused us to call off all Wednesday night activities (we had to make the decision early .. by church time the roads around here were fine) and, like the employee who backed in to the meat grinder at Dairy Queen .. I've gotten a little behind in my work.

I went to the office after yesterday's 7 o'clock men's prayer group meeting (they closed the Humboldt Grill behind us) and realized the support staff were not coming in. Since there was no one to answer the telephones (translated: Greg and I didn't want to) I opted to work from home.

Working behind a desk in your underwear is inappropriate at the church (trust me on this .. how many times do I have to apologize??) but, in the privacy of your own home .. no one knows, minds or is likely to report you to the local authorities (again .. sorry .. it was a bad judgement call).

This morning I will be completing Sunday's order of worship (does anyone really like taking orders?) and getting it ready to be printed. It is, also, my "hospital day" and I have a rehearsal to attend at Union University this evening.

January has been a busy month.

February is going to be even busier with another SonShiners program, a YY meeting and additional day trip, singing in a mass (ite missa est) choir at the Civic Center, and four or five outside (weather permitting) speaking engagements.

Has anyone checked today's forecast?


Anonymous said...

Why check it, you never know what the weather will bring at any given time here in lovely West Tennessee.....I will say this "Don't judge a day by it's weather."

RevKev♫ said...

I think I'll avoid all contact with the outside world. It is less stressful and maybe I'll live a little longer.