Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wii, Wii, Wii .. All the Way Home

Our Minister to Students, Russ .. or "Hatman" as he is now called .. is a big Xbox guy. He loves playing video games and, evidently, this makes him cool and appealing to our youth.

Back in my day, I was groovy and far out .. can you dig it?

I had an Atari 2600 and I was really bad (in the late 70s and early 80s that meant good .. or it could just mean .. bad .. I'm not elaborating) at Pitfall and Frogger .. now THAT was some hardcore gaming.

Since I'm over 50, this is more my speed ...

The level of difficulty is only slightly harder than "Sit Your Tail in the Recliner" .. my current exercise of choice.


Anonymous said...

Yes this is from your good buddy Jill W. - I got my mom hooked on your blog! It is hysterical! I didn't know you acted like Greg House? I have never known you to make smart comments to anyone... (hee-hee) and yes the blog about you being ADHD -welcome to the club! you definately have it! And I am allowed to diagnose people!

Susan Nelson said...

Ditto. I too am addicted to your blog. I read it every morning before I start my day. That way I can start my day on a funny note before I have to face the world. I am recommending your blog on my blog and telling everyone about it. G-rated humor is hard to find. And I like your take on exercise. I really must recommend your blog to my doctor. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Wait a second, Kevin... are you telling me that older generations are different than younger generations? Wait a second, now skip ahead two seconds... they're the same at the same time, aren't they?

Why... back in MY day, I can remember spending hours after school, glued to the radio, trying to beat the analog version of Guitar Hero. I'd set the difficulty level to impossible and try to mimick Stevie Ray Vaughan. It demanded more ear-hand coordination than eye-hand. So, I gotta hand it to you, Kevin. You were right all along. Unless you're left handed. That's just backwards.

And Anonymous couldn't have said this better... or his name wouldn't be Joe Blankenship!