Friday, March 27, 2009

The Biscuit Eater

The Loveless Cafe has been in operation in the Nashville area for close to sixty years. However, I had not heard about it until a week or so ago when my wife came home from the state basketball playoffs bragging about the wonderful soul food (things like beans, greens, okra, and fried chicken .. not to be confused with Seoul food .. things like chatchuk, ttokkuk, Rin Tin Tin, and Lassie).

Originally known as the Harpeth Valley (I wanna tell you all a story 'bout a Harpeth Valley widowed wife .. ) Tea Room, it changed hands (and names) when purchased in 1951 by Lon and Annie Loveless, who set up picnic tables in the front yard and sold chicken & biscuits from the front door to those traveling up and down US Highway 100.

Soon, the rooms of the 1900's home were converted into the dining room and kitchen of the Loveless Cafe and, as they say .. "the rest is history."

Today, Cheryl and I will be headed (off with their heads! off with their heads!) toward Nashville and we are going to stop in for lunch.

The planets are aligned (I can't say the same for the front end of my Taurus). The timing is right (I need to have the Ford dealer check that, too).

I am 51. The Loveless Cafe has been around since 1951. I just watched a trailer for a new film entitled .. Planet 51 (click here for a sneak peek).

Coincidence? I don't think so.

It is my destiny.

"For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things." - Psalm 107:9


jidgede said...

enjoy, it is a good place to eat!!! and..............have a safe trip......

Anonymous said...

have a safe trip and tell Drew hello for us and that we still love him even if he doesnt remember us....

Tom T. Kitty said...

I'll be eating there next Saturday, along with 50 other members of the Bartlett Community Band as we make our first ever BAND TRIP!!!! You have been warned!