Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yes, Deer

It may come as a shocker to you, but Cheryl doesn't read my blog .. at least not on a daily basis.

She usually catches up by the end of the week or every couple of weeks, but it's not because she hangs on every word of wisdom from her husband's lips (or .. fingers). No, it's just in case I've said something offensive (what are the odds of that??) or stupid (okay, I can sort of see her point on that one) enough to warrant her attention or .. intervention.

That being said ..

Yesterday, I wrote (maybe ranted is more like it) about my great disdain (this reminds me .. Penny Williams, if I ever said anything critical to your husband, tell him I'm sorry .. I never meant to 'diss Dane' .. I tried a little too hard for that one, didn't I?) for working in the yard and Cheryl's great passion for it.

When Cheryl got home from school, where did she go? That's right .. outside to do some work on the compost pile (don't even ask .. we're like Oliver and Lisa Douglas from 'Green Acres' .. only she's Oliver and I'm Lisa).

Within thirty minutes, she came in and asked if I could get the mower out and mulch some of the leaves (uncanny .. she didn't read Friday's post .. Do I know my wife, or what?).

I try to do whatever Cheryl asks because 1) I want to make her happy and 2) she told me when we got married .. I had no choice in the matter.

That's what marriage is all about (not the 'having no choice' part): taking an interest in what interests your spouse.

I will never love working in the yard. However, I love the one who loves working in the yard. So, I'll help .. but only when called upon.

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it" - Ephesians 5:25


jidgede said...

love this post, tell cheryl hi.......i read every day and will alert her if something stupid is mentioned*#?&%!!!!!! jennie de

Anonymous said...

we did home chores on saturday but i opted for the inside while stan opted for outside. still a little too cool for me to want to spend many hours in the great outdoors without a blanket for backup!!