Monday, March 2, 2009

Riding On the Snowball Express

Well, the weatherman was right on the money this time when he predicted "snow in them thar hills" (and everywhere else), here in West Tennessee.

Saturday afternoon around 5 o'clock the "wet stuff" turned to "white stuff" and it continued to fall, well into the early morning hours.

Almost every church in the area called off services .. except for us .. and West Jackson (I understand they provided complementary snowmobile shuttles for their guests) . We went right on as planned at 10:30 AM and, except for no choir and a streamlined congregation, things were pretty much like any other Sunday.

There was an issue with ice on the parking lot, especially when I arrived around 7:15. As soon as I got out of my car, I did a "triple salchow" and a "lutz" (no, I wasn't wearing skates .. but I did get three 7s and an 8 from the Lynchs next door, who happened to be looking out their kitchen window at just the right time).

As far as I know, there were no other "figure skaters" or "Chinese acrobats" to grace FBC Humboldt yesterday morning. Everyone was very careful walking to the church entrance (Katie sort of looked like that "elderly man" character played by Tim Conway on the old Carol Burnett Show) and by the time our service was over, the temperature had risen enough to help warm things up and "break the ice."

It's amazing how things are changed after being exposed to the sun.

It's even more amazing how things are changed after being exposed to the Son.

Hank Williams couldn't find a way to "free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart."

Christ can. Check out His story (the book of John is a great starting place). It's .. heartwarming.


jidgede said...

great pic!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should have put the obama symbol on the snowball. That would look cool! Not that I'm endorsing anyone...