Friday, March 13, 2009

Take My Wife .. Please

Bro. Greg and Sheila are leading a marriage retreat tonight and tomorrow for First Baptist Church in McKenzie that will take place at the Signature Boutique in Jackson (enough prepositional phrases for you?) and I will be the "warm up" act.

My job is to make them laugh and have a good time before the sessions start .. when they learn what a terrible husband/wife they've been over the course of their lives together. Doesn't that sound fun?

I hope Greg and Sheila are going the traditional route this weekend.

Cheryl and I attended a couples quest (it was kind of a 'knights of the roundtable' or 'dungeons and dragons' type of thing) several years ago when we were in Memphis. It was led by a husband and wife who had spent their entire ministry working with 7th through 12th graders.

You can do some pretty strange and out there activities with youth and they just "eat it up."

When you try the same type of things with adults (especially older adults), they usually . . "lose their appetite."

We stayed at a hotel in Memphis for the couples quest and most of the "madness" took place behind closed doors in a private conference room .. where non-Christians couldn't see just how weird we really were.

Unfortunately, on one of our "quests" (as an act of complete trust) the husbands had to put white pillowcases on our heads (sometimes I still wake up in a cold sweat from that memory) and have our wives lead us through the lobby into the courtyard.

I understand (I couldn't see for myself) there were plenty of stares and at least two or three complaints to the hotel manager .. plus a pretty stern letter that followed from the ACLU.

Christians are to be "separate" from this world. That's true.

However, not .. that separate.


Anonymous said...

It could have been could have been wearing a white sheet...or better yet - a grass skirt and coconuts! lol

Susan Nelson said...

You know God calls us a royal priesthood a "peculiar" people. What you described was about as peculiar as it gets!

Anonymous said...

yeah, that was scarring at the very least... still can't believe burr let me do that to him. i might try that again if we ever are at a hotel again in our lives... you know, just to celebrate marriage or something.
