Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Is An Emergency!

Scripture refers to the Body of Christ (the Church) as having many members. Each has their own specific role or task to help the body function properly.

A family works the very same way. Every member does their part to contribute to the general "health" and "well-being" of their particular family unit.

I've often said that Cheryl has been the real "heartbeat of the Hamiltons" over the years. If it weren't for her, our children would be hungry & naked and never receive a birthday or Christmas present.

She does the finances, cooks the meals (make that cooked the meals .. the oven has been rather cold since the kids moved out), etc, etc, etc.

I wash towels .. and only towels (I'm not allowed to do 'whites' or 'permanent press' after a few unfortunate laundering incidents).

For the most part, I'm her trophy husband .. strictly eye candy. I accept this role in our relationship and try my best to "look good" for my woman.

Occasionally, Cheryl gives me a task or assignment (make a bank deposit, pick up a book of stamps, buy milk ..) and she always leaves the instructions in a place where I can't miss them .. beside the coffee pot.

This morning when I went to make coffee, there was a card laying there that said URGENT NOTICE.

Alarmed, I quickly read it and learned I needed to call immediately to ensure my information was accurate and up-to-date for .. the Union University Alumni directory.

We are in a recession, the Dow has been at an all time low, and there is war, famine & flood throughout the world.

I can't worry about any of those things.

First, I have to call a toll free 1-800 number and make sure they have me listed as a 1979 graduate with a BM (that's Bachelor of Music, gutter mind) who currently resides in Humboldt, TN.



Cathy said...

Hurry! Without you, the book is INCOMPLETE!

Anonymous said...

1979 grad with a BM, well it is your DUTY to make sure it all comes out ok in the book!!

RevKev♫ said...

I don't want to be ELIMINATED. That would be CRAPPY.

Anonymous said...

Since we're on a ROLL here...Union University should be FLUSHED with pride at such an outstanding and CHARMIN graduate!

Anonymous said...

be careful! they won't let you off the phone until you have purchased said directory! and if you tell them no, then they want to know why! i mean, they really ask it!