This is the week of the Christmas musical for our adult choir at church. If that was all I had to think about, I might not be such a "basket case" (who am I trying to fool .. I would still be 'bonkers').
Well, that's not all that is occupying my mind these days. I have a couple of speaking engagements this week (what idiot scheduled those? .. oh yeah, I'm the idiot that scheduled those) to add to my holiday cheer (God bless us, every one).
Tonight, I will be speaking at the Lions Club Christmas banquet here in Humboldt. I have been their program before and I'm "back by popular demand" (translation: I'm local, work cheap, and everyone else turned them down).
I always feel obligated to work up new material when I have a "return engagement" (this is rare .. but it has happened). However, the "timing couldn't be worse" (btw, that was a major issue at my last program) .. the week of "The Splendor of Christmas" (Saturday & Sunday at 6:00 p.m. .. First Baptist Church in Humboldt .. 3400 Mitchell Street .. bring a friend).
Last month, I did a senior adult program in Memphis. I spent the entire thirty minutes reading excerpts from my blog. Do I dare try that tonight? Do I go out on a limb and saw it off behind me? Do I open this little blog site up to "outsiders" who might not "get it?"
These are burning questions that must be answered in the next twelve hours.
Tune in tomorrow morning and I'll give you an update.
Let's just hope when "the Lion sleeps tonight," it will be when he gets home and not during the program.
It's a jungle out there.
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