Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's An Oil of Olay Day

They say (I'm not sure who 'they' are, but they're always saying stuff), if you want to feel young, spend your time with young people.

Today, at noon, I am speaking to the senior adults at Brownsville Baptist Church. Tonight, I will be attending our monthly "Youth of Yesterday" meeting at church.

I say (I do know who 'I' am .. most days), if you want to feel young, spend your time with old people.

Our group loves to go to Branson (so do I .. as I've said before, when you're 51 and the youngest person there, it's a great ego boost). You eat breakfast .. and go to a show. You eat lunch .. and go to a show. You eat dinner .. and go to a show. There's a whole lot of goin' and showin' on these trips and there's no way a "youngster" can keep up that pace.

Senior adults can. They can even find a way to go to an outlet mall (evidently, when you reach the age of 65, there is some type of requirement to stop at an outlet mall on every trip) in between.

They say ('they' have about as much to say as 'I' do), old age is not for sissies.

I'm approaching those "golden years" (have you checked the price of gold, lately?) and if I can do half as much as my seniors do, I'll consider myself a fortunate man.

Ponce de Leon, you were looking in the wrong area. The real fountain of youth is right here in West Tennessee.

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