Friday, December 12, 2008

A Vice That's Not So Nice

I'm getting started a little later than "normal" (whatever that is .. for me) this morning. The past couple of days, I have had a terrible headache that won't go away (I suppose, I'm lucky. Cheryl says she's had to live with a constant pain for over 28 years).

Whether it's the weather (it is under a great deal of pressure) or something I ate, I don't know .. or care. It just hurts.

Headaches run in the family. Dad has them and his dad had them. I'm all for tradition .. like reading Luke's account of the Christmas story on December 25th or going out to eat with friends on New Year's Eve. However, this tradition needs to stop.

I'm having a difficult time concentrating (look, there's a squirrel outside) and the screen is getting blurry, so it seems now is a good time to sign off.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will have something more interesting (and humorous) for you to read.

I can dream, can't I?


Anonymous said...

I think you have a "choirgraine" headache. Suppose you clear your mind of each one of your "smiling" faces(yes we can do that while we sing)and you will be pain free. Feel better!

Anonymous said...

I think Vicki is right. I bet those "choirgraine's" magically go away Monday morning!

RevKev♫ said...

It's Monday. Funny .. no headache. Maybe you have something there, Vicki Dale.