Friday, August 22, 2008

The Agony of De-Feet

Tonight and tomorrow, Cheryl will be attending a women's conference at West Jackson Baptist Church called "Beautiful Feet". I don't have the gift of prophecy, but I can see fast food and frozen pizza in my immediate future.

I'm not sure exactly what they do at women's conferences. Cheryl says they help make our relationship stronger. Translated, that means she likes me better when she doesn't have to be around me all week-end.

I used to attend "Promise Keeper" events. They printed up full color brochures with a list of the numerous speakers and sessions that would take place. These were, of course, all fake and done just to throw our wives off the scent. In reality, we sat around in a large football stadium eating junk food and griping about women (not having to mow the lawn that weekend was an added bonus).

Whether it's just to get away, let off some steam, or actually learn something about your relationship with your spouse and/or God, these conferences are well worth it. Sometimes a change in environment or routine is just the thing to help you make it to the next level in the "journey".

I hope this is one of those weekends where they emphasize how the woman is to be submissive to the man. If that's the case, I'm letting her know in no uncertain terms that I'm no longer wearing an apron when I vacuum.

I am man. Hear me roar (make that .. meow).

1 comment:

The Stanphill Family said...

Wow, what can I say...I took off my apron too!