Saturday, September 20, 2008

Back to Basics

Well, I hurt my back yesterday. Was it from lifting 100 lb. boxes? Was it from moving heavy furniture? Was it from unloading sacks of potting soil? No. I was reaching up to unscrew the tire caps from a bicycle that was hanging in the garage.

When you hit fifty, even the slightest thing can render you helpless. You can't bend over, reach up, or turn your head the wrong way without having to spend the rest of the day on the couch with a heating pad .. or in the Emergency Room.

When I was younger, I could do all these things .. and more. What happened?

You never hear a child "grunt" when they bend over to retrieve a penny. You never hear a child say, "Can you hold up? I just have to sit down a minute" .. after they've climbed a flight of stairs.

If I only had half the energy of the boys and girls (grades 4-6) I teach on Wednesday nights, I could .. bend over and retrieve a penny or climb a flight of stairs.

Perhaps, it's not all about age. My wife can work circles around me (I get dizzy every time she does that). She gets home from school and works in the flower beds, cleans the storage building, or organizes closets almost every day. She makes me sick.

I admit it. I'm a wimp. Cheryl has implied as much when she says, "You're a wimp."

Manual Labor? Isn't he of Spanish descent.

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