Wednesday, November 12, 2008

10,000 BC (Blog Counter)

If my calculations are correct (and my 'hit' counter, accurate), revkev's blog should reach the 10.000 mark today. That's right, if you check the counter at the bottom of the page, you can see the numbers.

Do you know what this means? That's right. There are people out there in cyberspace as crazy as I am.

That number is a little bit deceptive because it represents total hits and not the total number of individuals who stop by. Every time you read a blog entry, you are included in the count.

This brings up another issue.

If a horse kicks you in the head, wouldn't you try to avoid that ever happening again? I know I would. However, the numbers don't lie. Many of you come by to get kicked in the head on a regular basis. I suppose if I carried that analogy on out, it could explain things .. after getting kicked in the head many times, you lose all sense of right and wrong.

That count will, also, include any one who just stumbles on my site by mistake (I like to use the multiple pop-up window trick to hook them). This would be another explanation for such a high count.

Whether it's by mistake (type in 'useless time waster' in Google and I'm right at the top of the list) or intentional (you know how when there's a bad wreck on the interstate you know you shouldn't look .. but you do anyway?), thank you for making revkevhamilton's blogspot the place to be.

You people really need to get a life.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I need a life and to wear my glasses. thought you first wrote get "licked" by a horse. Much more pleasurable than getting kicked I would think!.. Wonder where I could find a horse at this time of day?

Anonymous said...

I think you are gonna make 10,000 and more today. Your wit and horse sense (or lack of it) are most entertaining, you know there are those of us who couldn't make it through the day without reading this.....I know, I need to get a life, but if I can forget the cares of the world for a few minutes and enjoy a laugh, you better believe I am going to!