Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just Say "No"

There is plenty happening in my life right now and today is going to be another one of those days.

I will be speaking (I'm so glad we are speaking .. we had such a bad falling out the last time we were together) to the XYZ Club at Ellendale Baptist Church in Memphis at 11:45 AM.

I am their standing November program (many of their speakers just sit, I'm told) and have been for well over ten or twelve years.

I don't think they like me that much, but it's easier to just "pencil me in" when they do their yearly calendar planning. Actually, pretty sad when you think about it.

When you go back for a repeat performance, or in my case, "repeat performances," it is hard to find something new and fresh to say and do. I struggle with this every year, yet I keep saying "yes" when they ask me to come back (they don't really ask me anymore. I receive a form letter in the mail with the date I am to appear .. it's like being called to jury duty .. hehe .. there's that word again).

As of this writing, I have no clue what I am doing (for today's program .. it's a 'given' I don't know what I am doing in every other aspect of my life). Since this is the case, I probably don't have to worry about being asked back for next year's program.

Most people .. especially church people .. don't like change.

I suspect that's going to all change after today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we have you hypnotized so we can delete that word "duty" from your brain? It gives you far too much pleasure. He!He! Perhaps you would like to delete some of "your choir" members from memory.