Sunday, November 16, 2008

Send the Light, Send the Light

I arrived early (6:15 a.m.) at the church this morning and it was much darker than usual. After some investigation, I discovered the main breaker in the outside electrical panel had been tripped.

After trying to reset it several times (and by resetting I mean .. hitting it on the side .. like the Fonz used to do), it was obvious I needed to call Humboldt Utilities. The phones were dead (much like a good portion of the morning service that followed) in the office, so I needed to use my cell. Guess what? I had left it at home (I try not to take outside calls on Sunday mornings .. it distracts Greg). So .. I made that long trip back home (three minutes) and called the emergency/night/weekend number that was in the phone book (btw, the emergency/night/weekend number is the Humboldt Police Department).

The police got in touch with the utility company and, shortly, one of their workers (a member of our church) was on the scene.

I think I was more glad to see Jason than he was to see me (it's 6:30 in the morning), but he didn't seem too bothered and went straight to work trying to reset the switch .. by hitting it on the side (it's in all the training manuals). When that didn't work, he turned off several other switches to "lighten the load," and then pulled (actually .. pushed) the switch. Everything came on and FBC was back in business.

The early Christians didn't have luxuries like lights and heat, yet that didn't stop them from worshipping the one true God.

We have gotten pretty "soft" in today's modern society and I wonder if church would have been cancelled if the electricity had failed to come on?

What .. no coffee or donuts?

I'm going home.


Anonymous said...

The service I was at was FAR from dead this morning. Which service did you attend? :-)


RevKev♫ said...

I was referring to the first "set." You must have liked it because the range was so low.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I couldn't hear the music too well on that set so it WAS a little sluggish. I'm glad to know you were only referring to a few minutes of the service. I thought you felt a "good portion of the morning service" was dead. The sermon and other "set" totally redeemed the first. Keep up the great work.