Friday, November 7, 2008

Leaf Us Alone

It has certainly taken long enough, but the leaves have changed colors in West Tennessee (it's been this way for a couple of weeks) and are beginning to fall to the ground .. by the thousands. Last night's rain "encouraged" them to "let loose" even more (I wish my leaves would "hang around" with a more positive role model).

I love the Fall. My neighbors .. not so much. Here's why.

Since it doesn't bother Cheryl (she actually likes it) to have the yard completely blanketed with colors of red, yellow and orange (or brown, brown and brown .. as the season progresses), I honor her wishes and let "sleeping leaves lie" until the Spring. Oh, I want to get out there and rake and bag for hours on end, but I love my wife too much to do so.

Everyone else on my street seems to have an obsession about getting those leaves up and out ASAP.

I sort of understand this behavior with those who are elderly. If the leaves are all over the ground, they can't see where the sticks and pine cones are (evidently, when you retire, you must sign some type of document that promises you will pick them up on a daily basis).

If I did remove the leaves before Springtime, I would at least wait until all of them had fallen (and I can't get up). When you are 62 or older, this is not the case (I believe I've seen Shorty King outside with a black trash bag trying to catch them in mid-air).

We've been in this house for over nine years and "so far, so good." I've not heard one complaint. However, my luck may be running out.

Yesterday afternoon, some type of petition was being distributed among the neighbors.

They didn't come to my door, but they walked across my yard.

I know because I heard a big rustling sound.

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