Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've Got a New Attitude

Today is Wednesday and I will be off to my "men's prayer/bible study/book reading/breakfast group" very shortly.

Today's chapter (we are still studying Max Lucado's, Just Like Jesus) is called "Finding Gold in the Garbage." In other words, if life gives you lemons .. make lemonade.

I have to admit, I tend to be just a tiny bit cynical, at times. Okay, let's cut through the bologna. I can be very cynical, at times (since the bologna has already been cut, let's fry it, put it on some bread and say.. most of the time).

I lost my rose-colored glasses (they made me look a lot like Elton John) several years ago and I tend to see the "worst case scenario" in almost every situation.

This is a terrible testimony for anyone, especially for someone in the ministry (negativity is a no-no .. gluttony is widely accepted and practiced without fear of retribution). I need to put a more positive spin on things and look at life through the eyes of hope.

Yeah .. like that's gonna happen.

Our attitudes can really set the tone for the day and determine how we approach "the good, the bad and the ugly" (ah-ee, ah-ee, ah .. wah, wah, wah .. that is the theme song to the old Clint Eastwood spaghetti western by the same name .. a stretch, admittedly).

Give a brand new bike to a pessimistic child and he can't be happy. He just knows he's going to wreck it and get hurt.

Wrap up a pile of manure and give it to an optimistic kid and watch his face light up. He just knows there has to be a pony somewhere nearby.

This Thanksgiving, I am determined to have an attitude of gratitude and see only the good in every situation.

Friday, I'll be my same old cynical self you've come to know and loathe.


jaybee said...

Ambrose Bierce, in his "Devil's Dictionary" gives this definition for cynic: "A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be."

Joseph Blass

RevKev♫ said...

I looked up the definition of "blackguard." It's either: 1) a scoundrel or 2) a foul-mouthed person. Either way, I'm your guy. Happy Birthday, jaybee!