Sunday, November 23, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Once again, I am writing a "late night" (all that's missing is a top ten list) edition of the blog. This is starting to become the "norm" for Sunday .. the day of rest. However, I'm not complaining.

This morning's service lasted an hour and forty five minutes (it didn't feel like a minute over an hour and forty) .. and no one seemed to mind. Granted, there was a little bit of squirming down front .. but, Greg always does that.

Today was our annual Celebration Service where we look at the past year and all that God has done in the life of our church. He has done many wonderful things and it took a while (an hour and forty five minutes, to be exact) just to "count our many blessings."

I was amazed that most of the people "hung with us" for the entire service (only two or three left). The fact that we fed them afterwards at our traditional Thanksgiving luncheon, didn't hurt.

A great day with great results: two professions of faith, several college students joining by letter or watchcare, and four surrendering their lives to the call to missions (through the two year Journeyman program).

God is good ALL the time.

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