Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tune In Tonight

I'm still away at the Tennessee Baptist Convention and we have to be in the choir loft at FBC, Hendersonville by 8 o'clock this morning. Since I need to be getting ready instead of picking my brain (yes, I have one .. and yes, mom told me not to pick things) for today's topic. I might update tonight .. I might not. It depends on what time I get home .. and if Cheryl has a better offer (the smart money's on blogging).

I trust this has not caused too much of an inconvenience to my faithful readers. You are the ones who help keep this blog going.

Won't you consider increasing your monthly pledge?

For only a few extra dollars, you can make a difference in a child's life (even though she doesn't live with her parents, Cheryl is still the child of Larry and Alice and .. she needs some extra cash).

Call today operators are standing by.


Anonymous said...

Well, I sooo wish I had known earlier that you were here! I live in Hendersonville and work in Gallatin. We could have at least had coffee!!

RevKev♫ said...

I can't believe I didn't think about contacting you. I will send a Facebook message if I get over your way again.