Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life By the Yard Is Hard

Cheryl (the woman who likes to sleep in whenever possible .. especially on Saturday) has been up since 6:15 this morning because we are having a yard sale.

The garage has been filling up over the last several months in anticipation of this glorious day. The day we send our junk .. make that priceless treasures (we haven't priced them, yet) home with someone else.

I've never been very good at haggling over the price of anything. If the price tag says this is the cost of an item, that is what I pay (car salesmen love to see me coming and they all say the same thing .. 'one is born every minute' .. I still don't know what that means).

Evidently this is not the way you play the yard sale game.

The price on the item is the "suggested" price and not the final price. Apparently, 75¢ is way too much to pay for a winter coat (my baby doesn't have a coat .. she really needs this to keep from freezing this winter .. I'll give you a quarter and not a penny more).

The "newbies" walk up like a first time visitor at church (a little frightened of the unknown) and you are supposed to treat them just like we do at church .. don't speak or make eye contact. "Getting all up in their face" is a no-no. They need room to breathe and the freedom to look without being bothered.

The "professionals" are different. They are cool, calm, and collected and never crack a smile when they offer you $25 for an entertainment center that cost $800 brand new. How insulting.

Gotta go. Cheryl needs me to help someone load the entertainment center on their truck.

We took $30.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would have given thirty two and a quarter for it, but you would have to deliver it to me.sorry that i miss a deal like that!

tony reeves